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Changing Breeds for Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition is here! Everything you need to play any of the other werecreatures of the World of Darkness, including the Lost Breeds.
Creatures of the Wild
The Garou are not the only changing creatures to stalk the world. Other shapeshifters hunt in places where wolves do not tread, from sun-lost seas... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Born to Run
The Garou are born of two kinds: humans and wolves. These are their Kinfolk — those “of the blood.” These special people — whether of two legs or four — carry in them the hope of the Garou: the promise of future generations. Although Garou are born to Kinfolk, nobody knows they’re different until they undergo their First Change. Until such a blessed (or cursed)... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Coils of the Corruptor
From the Umbral realm of Malfeas to the boardrooms of Pentex and its subsidiaries, minions of the Wyrm plot to kill Gaia. Warped fomori, monstrous Banes, and Wyrm-tainted shapeshifters lash out at the world with acidic claws. The Maeljin Incarna steals the easily forgotten, ignored, or missed to populate their perverse realms. Factories belch smoke that blackens... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The world is a Lie.
Humanity is cursed into a prison of Sleep, ignorant of the wonder and danger all around them. Ground down into slavery to masters they’ll never see, beset by a plague of cares to distract them from the Truth.
You were like them, once, but now you are Awakened. You see the world beneath the Lie’s skin, and the Mysteries beckoning you... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Beyond the Material
Only foolish werewolves believe that they can win the war against the Wyrm in the physical world alone. Some use the Penumbra as a shortcut, a staging ground, or as a way to set traps for spiritually-aware foes. Others take Moon Bridges to the Realms of the Near Umbra, seeking powerful spirit magics or a concentration of the Wyrm’s forces headed to attack Gaia.... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The Wars of Rage
In the mists of prehistory, the werewolves worked alongside the other Changing Breeds to safeguard Gaia against the many threats to Her existence. The werewolves’ pride and their great Rage drove them to murder their cousins, leaving two Changing Breeds extinct and Gaia’s children forever broken. Millennia later, the twin lures of colonialism and conquest once... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
"Of course it hurts. Everything hurts. If you're alive, you hurt. Don't think of yourself as bleeding out; think of yourself as more alive."
Horror is all about the stakes. And most commonly, pain, injury, and death are those stakes. Hurt Locker is all about the stuff that hurts. We talk why it hurts, how it hurts, and how to deliver pain at your table beyond just rolling the dice and marking... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The Art of Werewolf: The Apocalypse
A Visual Guide to Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition
Violence is an art form, if it’s practiced, perfected, and put on display. That’s what we tell ourselves when we cut servants of the Wyrm into slices. We celebrate their destruction, but how that destruction is delivered is the art.
Shifting from Lupus to Homid and everywhere... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
$4.99 $2.00
Walking the World
The Garou fight their war against the Wyrm throughout the world. Werewolves fight a deadly three-sided war in the Amazon, facing both the Wyrm’s forces and native shapeshifters who do not appreciate the Garou’s incursion. In Cairo, the Arab Spring provides cover for the werewolves’ enemies, but also opportunity and hope. In Iberia and America, the plight of... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Angels are everywhere.
They are under the everyday world, behind it, beyond it. They are sent by the God-Machine to enact its will through time and space, delivering messages, building infrastructure, protecting some people, killing others. You were one of those angels...
But not anymore.
Now you are one of the Unchained, a fallen angel who defected to the human race. Yours is a world of false identities... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
A flayed body is found in a landfill. This is no cadaver of a helpless victim, though — the corpse is Garou. The People remember. A man killed werewolves, taking their skins. A blasphemous rite bound the skins of Garou to the body of a Kinfolk, creating a new werewolf. A Skin Dancer.
The Skinner is dead, though. Samuel Haight tried for too much power and was obliterated forever. The children of... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
The Art of Changing Breeds compiles the sketches, art notes, and alternate color approaches that went into the creation of the art depicting the shapeshifters featured in W20 Changing Breeds.
Each Fera gets a section with down to earth commentary by art director "Mirthful" Mike Chaney, and contains a selection of various stages showing the changes and development... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Here's what the Demon: the Descent Storyteller's Screen includes:
Full color, 11" x 25.5" collage of selected beautiful art from Demon: the Descent
Three 8.5" x 11" pages of collected charts and tables selected to make your Storyteller job a bit easier
One cover sheet with the product info on it
About Demon: the Descent:
Angels are everywhere.
They are under the everyday... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Part of the new Demon: the Descent rules, Conditions add an additional layer of consequence and reward to certain actions in the World of Darkness. Various things within the course of a game can cause Conditions. These include exceptional successes, supernatural abilities, and really any situation where the Storyteller thinks they can be used to heighten the drama... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Angels are everywhere.
They are under the everyday world, behind it, beyond it. They are sent by the God-Machine to enact its will through time and space, delivering messages, building infrastructure, protecting some people, killing others. You were one of those angels...
But not anymore.
Now you are one of... [click here for more] |
Onyx Path Publishing |
Zum Laufen geboren
Die Garou werden in zwei Arten von Familien geboren: Menschen und Wölfe. Sie sind die Blutsgeschwister – die, die „das Blut“ haben. Diese besonderen Leute, egal ob auf zwei oder vier Beinen, tragen die Hoffnung der Garou in sich: das Versprechen von zukünftigen Generationen. Auch wenn Garou die Kinder von Blutsgeschwistern sind, weiß niemand, dass sie anders sind, bis sie... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Jenseits der materiellen Welt
Nur närrische Werwölfe glauben, dass sie den Krieg gegen den Wyrm nur in der physischen Welt gewinnen können. Einige nutzen das Penumbra als Abkürzung, als Sammelstelle oder als Möglichkeit, Fallen für Feinde zu stellen, die keine Sicht für das Spirituelle haben. Andere nehmen Mondbrücken in die Reiche des Nahen Umbra, suchen mächtige Magie oder eine Konzentration... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |
Die Kriege des Zorns
In der Prähistorie arbeiteten die Werwölfe an der Seite der anderen Gestaltwandler, um Gaia vor den vielen Bedrohungen ihrer Existenz zu bewahren. Der Stolz der Werwölfe und ihr großer Zorn trieb sie dazu, ihre Vettern zu ermorden, so dass zwei Völker der Gestaltwandler ausstarben und Gaias Kinder für immer gebrochen waren. Jahrtausende später brachte die doppelte Verlockung... [click here for more] |
Ulisses Spiele |